To learn more about our project, and bats that live on farmland, click the link to view our new AgriBats flyer 🙂
The Barbastelle bat
By Chris Wyver – GWCT Placement student. Considered one of the most endangered bats in western Europe, the barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) has been recorded, albeit in small numbers, in central and southern England and Wales. The barbastelle is a
The Greater and Lesser Horseshoe Bat
The UK, is home to two of the five European horseshoe bat species: the greater horseshoe (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and lesser horseshoe (Rhinolophus hipposideros). Both species behave in a somewhat stereotypical way, preferring to hibernate in caves and perching upside-down with
Pipistrelles of Great Britain
If you’re taking an evening stroll during the warm summer months and see a glimpse of an erratic yet agile bundle of brown fur whizz past you then chances are you’ve encountered a common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus). Notably the commonest
That’s Salisbury TV visits AgriBats
That’s Salisbury TV visited the GWCT’s Fordingbridge HQ last week to find out more about the AgriBats project. Reporter Rhaya Barton came to the Trust on 20 July to interview postdoctoral ecologist Niamh McHugh, who is leading AgriBats. The project
Introducing AgriBats
Learning about bats on arable farmland in Hampshire and Dorset, or as we like to call it, AgriBats, is an ambitious new project we are undertaking at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. Over the next year, we will be